NSI’s Classroom Climate Questionnaire (CCQ) provides an economical and effective way to gather student feedback about their experiences of the learning environment. The CCQ offers a valid and reliable means to assess features of the learning environment (related to relationships, delivery and assessment) that are important determinants of a range of affective and cognitive outcomes.
The CCQ offers a meaningful framework to help teachers plan targeted improvement efforts, initiate discussions with students about learning (metacognition), and work with students to improve and co-construct the environment.
Classroom climate is the tone, atmosphere, or ambiance created through interactions between the teacher, the students, the learning content, and how it is delivered and assessed. It is the classroom climate that provides the context (or sets the stage) for teaching and learning.
As teachers engage with the CCQ and the NSI processes, teachers share their struggles and successes, engendering a collective sense of achievement.
NSI’s processes involving the CCQ develop trust between teachers through exploring and sharing their practices with colleagues.
The use of the CCQ encourages shared learning and expertise between teachers, building professional and social capital while exposing unacceptable practices.
Processes involving the CCQ encourage teachers to engage in critical self-reflection as part of the improvement cycle.
Engaging with the CCQ and NSI processes encourages innovative practice in classrooms, a prerequisite for a culture of improvement.
Engagement with the CCQ provides teachers with evidence of engaging with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (AITSL).
Sharing experiences and engaging in transparent conversations, engenders pride and a sense of community.
The CCQ and NSI processes align with and support the Aboriginal Standards Framework, including the relationship, leadership, teaching, learning environment, and resources standard.
The use of the CCQ supports the seven principles of learning by promoting learning environments that: place students at the centre through co-construction and active participation; promote positive relationships and caring teachers in tune with students’ needs; encourage the recognition of individual differences and make learning relevant and meaningful to students; and promote the use of meaningful assessment and rich feedback.
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